

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Inkblot review

The area of interest is the Rorschach inkblot test. After taking the test myself I can vouch that I don’t think that the test is a good way to evaluate someone. For me I couldn’t see anything in the one pain. I guess some psychologist somewhere would give me a mental answer. At one time the ink blot test was the most widely projective test used. Then again that time was in the 1960’s.For me I don’t believe that one person can look at a picture (inkblots) and another person can analysis that person. We are all different something may look different to one person than the other. It would be different if it was just a straight forward picture, but it is just blots. The test is basically your word against the psychologist’s word. Yes, this test has been in use for many years, but I can’t believe that with the technology that we have today that we can’t find a better and more effective way the analysis a person’s mind to see what they are thinking. I think that in time we will be using computers more and more to get a better understanding of why people are wired the way that they are.