

Friday, April 10, 2015

Game Theory Reflection blog

Nash equilibrium- creating a strategy to better the situation that one is in
Game theory- the decision to change your opponent’s strategy to better the outcome of yourself
Prisoner dilemma- the cooperation between 2 people to have the best outcome for the both of them

                I played the interactive prisoners dilemma, and found it very interesting.  I played the game twice and in the time of playing it I figured out that it had a pattern. It did what I did when that is what it wanted me to do. If I did something that it didn’t like it competed against me.

History- the Cuban missile crisis- predicting the outcome if something bad would have happened
Government-opec- the decision of oil prices to keep the prices in order
Economics- the United States cutting oil to compete with other countries to make a larger profit.
Related to sociology- having the thoughts about
Related to psychology- decisions about staying in a relationship
In your everyday life- while walking down the side walk only room for 1 and there are two of you deciding how to solve the situation

I really liked the oil pricing activities that we did in class they were educational and fun. All of the activities were a 10 I really enjoyed them. Don’t change them

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Inkblot review

The area of interest is the Rorschach inkblot test. After taking the test myself I can vouch that I don’t think that the test is a good way to evaluate someone. For me I couldn’t see anything in the one pain. I guess some psychologist somewhere would give me a mental answer. At one time the ink blot test was the most widely projective test used. Then again that time was in the 1960’s.For me I don’t believe that one person can look at a picture (inkblots) and another person can analysis that person. We are all different something may look different to one person than the other. It would be different if it was just a straight forward picture, but it is just blots. The test is basically your word against the psychologist’s word. Yes, this test has been in use for many years, but I can’t believe that with the technology that we have today that we can’t find a better and more effective way the analysis a person’s mind to see what they are thinking. I think that in time we will be using computers more and more to get a better understanding of why people are wired the way that they are. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Classical Conditioning

Unconditioned Stimulus- The Man Camping
Conditioned Stimulus- Ivory Soap
Unconditioned Response- Make one feel like a man
Conditioned Response- Happiness to Ivory soap

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Teaching the unknowing

     This summer Toby, Alex, Tory Garret and myself all went fishing on Waubay lake. We caught just under our limit if fish. So that meant that we needed to clean the fish. We took the fish back to my place to clean. Turns out that none of the other guys knew how to clean a fish. I went to the house and got a few sharp knives and a couple bowls to put the meat in. We set up a table and my dad and myself proceeded to show the guys how to filet fish. I showed them how to on the first couple of fish then I gave them the rest of the knives and we proceeded to filet the fish. I didn't want to let anything go to waste. So I would have to help the stragglers and the ones that really needed help. Towards the end the guys finally started to get it. After we got done cleaning we went and washed every thing down and Toby was trying to be funny and spray my dad with the hose. So my dad took a bucket of water and took off after Toby and just drenched him. After that all went down mom was cooking the fish that we caught and we had a big fish fry.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Psychology assignment #1

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What one thing do you like about your life?
I have a very supporting family/friends

What one thing do you not like about your life?
That people are willing to hurt you

What profession would you like to attempt?
Large animal vet

What profession would you never attempt?

What 3 words describe you?
Funny, caring, outgoing 

There are many reasons why people want to study physiology. Some people are prepping for college some are just in it for the class. I personally am in the class to learn how the mind works by processing information and how to analyze people and their thoughts. Plus I would like to also like to learn the power of reverse psychology for future use. I have learned many things form being in all of the classes that you have taught me over the years, from being responsible and never asking why but instead asking why not. There are a few more things that I would like to learn from you as a teacher teaching psychology. Like how to deal with people that are not really capable of handling the tasks that are put in front of them. I also would like to learn about how relationships weather being just friends or being in a more serious relationships effect the mind in any way shape or form. Also I would like to learn if cartoons are bad for the mind .To be honest I would be willing to learn anything that you are willing to teach us, because you have taught this class before and know what to teach. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola Outbreak

Part 1
We are studying the Ebola outbreak in globalization. I have learned many things that I did not know about the Ebola virus when I was researching for our class project. From what it is to how it is spread.
One of the biggest things that I learned that I did not know before was that the main carrier of Ebola was the fruit bat, and that one fruit bat can also spread it to more bats. Another thing that I didn't know was that the Ebola virus can be transferred from the animals to humans. One more thing that I didn't know was that the Ebola virus can be spread through uncooked meats. I also didn't know that the environment plays a factor in the spread of Ebola. The reason why the environment plays a factor in the spread of Ebola is if you take the animal’s environment humans will have more chances in coming into contact with the virus.
Over the course of the class assignment I learned many things that I didn't know. From the spread of the Ebola virus to how the environment plays a factor on how the disease can spread. The Ebola virus is a scary thing but the more that we can learn about it the better off we can be.

Part 2

                   Globalization is everywhere; one of the things that we are studying in globalization is global health. A few questions are raised on the topic of global health one is how will the future population contain global health issues. Also another question is how will the environment affect the ability for disease to spread.
                Think of a virus, a virus does not stop spreading if not contained, because Diseases and health problems know NO BORDERS. A question that I mentioned earlier is; How will the future population contain the diseases that the current population is having problems containing. I believe that in the future there will be a vaccination and a cure for Ebola and that population will not have to worry about it. If a new virus were to arrive I believe that they will have the technology to confront the virus.
                Another question that I had mentioned earlier was how will the environment affect the ability for a disease to spread. Like for instance the Ebola outbreak, Ebola’s main carrier is the fruit bat and with the rising population we are taking some of the habitat of the fruit bat and other infected animals causing greater odds for human encounter with infected animals. Now in the future I believe that there will be stricter rules for deforestation so the odds won’t be as large for cross encounters.

                Globalization has ties to everything in the world even the bad diseases. How the future generations will react to the situations that we are facing right now will be interesting to see. The future holds many mysteries that we won’t know about hopefully cures are in one of the mysteries.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Health Care and Politics

Pharmaceuticals/health products spend 120,369,378 in lobbying
Lobbying totals peaked in 2009 at over $480 million
The top 2 recipients in 2013-2014 both were in the senate
The contributions increases rapidly on an election year
That the Republican Party has been on the higher end of paying out 9 out of 13 years
In 2014 our lobbying totals are less than half of what they were in 2009
Hospitals/ nursing homes spend $44,438,551 this year
Blue cross blue shield splits up their spending almost 50-50
Cooperative of American physicians spend almost all of their spending on outside spending groups
The contributing trends since 1990 have been climbing up to this year.