

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola Outbreak

Part 1
We are studying the Ebola outbreak in globalization. I have learned many things that I did not know about the Ebola virus when I was researching for our class project. From what it is to how it is spread.
One of the biggest things that I learned that I did not know before was that the main carrier of Ebola was the fruit bat, and that one fruit bat can also spread it to more bats. Another thing that I didn't know was that the Ebola virus can be transferred from the animals to humans. One more thing that I didn't know was that the Ebola virus can be spread through uncooked meats. I also didn't know that the environment plays a factor in the spread of Ebola. The reason why the environment plays a factor in the spread of Ebola is if you take the animal’s environment humans will have more chances in coming into contact with the virus.
Over the course of the class assignment I learned many things that I didn't know. From the spread of the Ebola virus to how the environment plays a factor on how the disease can spread. The Ebola virus is a scary thing but the more that we can learn about it the better off we can be.

Part 2

                   Globalization is everywhere; one of the things that we are studying in globalization is global health. A few questions are raised on the topic of global health one is how will the future population contain global health issues. Also another question is how will the environment affect the ability for disease to spread.
                Think of a virus, a virus does not stop spreading if not contained, because Diseases and health problems know NO BORDERS. A question that I mentioned earlier is; How will the future population contain the diseases that the current population is having problems containing. I believe that in the future there will be a vaccination and a cure for Ebola and that population will not have to worry about it. If a new virus were to arrive I believe that they will have the technology to confront the virus.
                Another question that I had mentioned earlier was how will the environment affect the ability for a disease to spread. Like for instance the Ebola outbreak, Ebola’s main carrier is the fruit bat and with the rising population we are taking some of the habitat of the fruit bat and other infected animals causing greater odds for human encounter with infected animals. Now in the future I believe that there will be stricter rules for deforestation so the odds won’t be as large for cross encounters.

                Globalization has ties to everything in the world even the bad diseases. How the future generations will react to the situations that we are facing right now will be interesting to see. The future holds many mysteries that we won’t know about hopefully cures are in one of the mysteries.

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