

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the largest growing crimes in the United States. We watched a mini-series called Human Trafficking along with a couple of clips. The clips showed a different side of human trafficking. They really showed how easy it is for human trafficking to take place.
The videos showed also a difference in the ways that the women could be abducted. The many different ways that women can be abducted was very eye opening to me. One was the women had to have sex with the man otherwise the bad guys would kill a person that was very close to that woman. I never really thought of that even being a possibility until we watched the videos. There are many others ways of abduction that really just shocked me.

Human trafficking is made up of a few branches. One form of trafficking human beings is for the use of work. An example would be like the African American slaves back in the 1800’s. Another branch of human trafficking is sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is basically a illegal prostitution that the women have no control over who or how many men that they service. I believe that both of these issues are morally wrong and need to be stopped.

Watching the mini-series and the video clips really was an eye opening experience for me. I hope that one day that the issue of human trafficking can on day be resolved. No person should be sold into slavery that is the reason for the 13th amendment. The 13th amendment stated that no human being should be sold into slavery.  I believe that all countries should form a law similar to the 13th amendment maybe that will help to stop this horror. 

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