

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Ebola Outbreak

Part 1
We are studying the Ebola outbreak in globalization. I have learned many things that I did not know about the Ebola virus when I was researching for our class project. From what it is to how it is spread.
One of the biggest things that I learned that I did not know before was that the main carrier of Ebola was the fruit bat, and that one fruit bat can also spread it to more bats. Another thing that I didn't know was that the Ebola virus can be transferred from the animals to humans. One more thing that I didn't know was that the Ebola virus can be spread through uncooked meats. I also didn't know that the environment plays a factor in the spread of Ebola. The reason why the environment plays a factor in the spread of Ebola is if you take the animal’s environment humans will have more chances in coming into contact with the virus.
Over the course of the class assignment I learned many things that I didn't know. From the spread of the Ebola virus to how the environment plays a factor on how the disease can spread. The Ebola virus is a scary thing but the more that we can learn about it the better off we can be.

Part 2

                   Globalization is everywhere; one of the things that we are studying in globalization is global health. A few questions are raised on the topic of global health one is how will the future population contain global health issues. Also another question is how will the environment affect the ability for disease to spread.
                Think of a virus, a virus does not stop spreading if not contained, because Diseases and health problems know NO BORDERS. A question that I mentioned earlier is; How will the future population contain the diseases that the current population is having problems containing. I believe that in the future there will be a vaccination and a cure for Ebola and that population will not have to worry about it. If a new virus were to arrive I believe that they will have the technology to confront the virus.
                Another question that I had mentioned earlier was how will the environment affect the ability for a disease to spread. Like for instance the Ebola outbreak, Ebola’s main carrier is the fruit bat and with the rising population we are taking some of the habitat of the fruit bat and other infected animals causing greater odds for human encounter with infected animals. Now in the future I believe that there will be stricter rules for deforestation so the odds won’t be as large for cross encounters.

                Globalization has ties to everything in the world even the bad diseases. How the future generations will react to the situations that we are facing right now will be interesting to see. The future holds many mysteries that we won’t know about hopefully cures are in one of the mysteries.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Health Care and Politics

Pharmaceuticals/health products spend 120,369,378 in lobbying
Lobbying totals peaked in 2009 at over $480 million
The top 2 recipients in 2013-2014 both were in the senate
The contributions increases rapidly on an election year
That the Republican Party has been on the higher end of paying out 9 out of 13 years
In 2014 our lobbying totals are less than half of what they were in 2009
Hospitals/ nursing homes spend $44,438,551 this year
Blue cross blue shield splits up their spending almost 50-50
Cooperative of American physicians spend almost all of their spending on outside spending groups
The contributing trends since 1990 have been climbing up to this year.

Sicko Review

We just watched a documentary called Sicko in globalization. The documentary showcases the “real” truth of American health care compared to a couple of foreign countries. The movie is produced by Michael Moore. I know what you are thinking the movie was very one sided, and it was but I think that the facts that he had weren't all lies.
                 Like said before the movie is very one sided. The side that it bashes is the American health care. In the movie Michael went to Canada, France, Great Britain, and Cuba. In all of those countries the government provides free health care for the population. Michael really wanted portray that all of those countries were better than the United States in the area of health care. I believe that those countries are cheaper because you don’t have to but health care, but I don’t think the people of those countries are not taken as good of care of like the citizens of the United States are. When It comes to the initial caring of the people.

                Overall I thought that the movie was a good movie. The movie was also an eye opener for me. It showed that there are different health care systems out there, and we as individuals have to find out which one will work the best for us. 

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is one of the largest growing crimes in the United States. We watched a mini-series called Human Trafficking along with a couple of clips. The clips showed a different side of human trafficking. They really showed how easy it is for human trafficking to take place.
The videos showed also a difference in the ways that the women could be abducted. The many different ways that women can be abducted was very eye opening to me. One was the women had to have sex with the man otherwise the bad guys would kill a person that was very close to that woman. I never really thought of that even being a possibility until we watched the videos. There are many others ways of abduction that really just shocked me.

Human trafficking is made up of a few branches. One form of trafficking human beings is for the use of work. An example would be like the African American slaves back in the 1800’s. Another branch of human trafficking is sex trafficking. Sex trafficking is basically a illegal prostitution that the women have no control over who or how many men that they service. I believe that both of these issues are morally wrong and need to be stopped.

Watching the mini-series and the video clips really was an eye opening experience for me. I hope that one day that the issue of human trafficking can on day be resolved. No person should be sold into slavery that is the reason for the 13th amendment. The 13th amendment stated that no human being should be sold into slavery.  I believe that all countries should form a law similar to the 13th amendment maybe that will help to stop this horror. 

Women in Globalization

When we think of globalization we think of people around the world linked to the people places and things of the world closer through work, trade, and cultures. A very important branch of globalization is women work and how the women are treated in general. Women play an important role when it comes to globalization, but they also face discrimination at the same time.

According to my link women and globalization, globalization is affecting women by discriminating them through jobs and politics. Think of the higher ranking jobs all over the world.   How many of those jobs are held by men?   Many jobs are male dominant, and women are having difficulty working their way into these areas. In some countries, the only jobs that women can get are jobs in sweatshops with little pay. Another way that globalization affects women is through politics. Politics discriminates against women by ignoring them. Again, how many governments can you think of that are mainly run by women? The reason why globalization affects women in the form of government is because most of the countries have some form male dominated governments and it is hard for women to get into those positions.

Globalization isn't all bad for women; it actually helps them in some ways. Globalization helps women much like it helps everyone on the planet. Globalization helps women by being able to unite a large group of people with very little effort through technology and trade.  Globalization affects us all, some of us in a good way some of us not so much. Women work hard for what they receive and shouldn't be overlooked.   

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Migration is happening all around the world all the time. Migration comes in different ways. It affects people and economies in different ways. Migration has been happening since the 1850’s in the United States, and longer for the rest of the world. Migration can take different forms, one may be forced migration, another could be push pull factors. Plus the people may just have wanted something different.
 In globalization we watched a documentary called God Grew Tired of Us. The movie is that the movie is a great example of forced migration and also the push/pull factors that lead people to migrate. First the boys are force out of their home land by war. War is one of the leading causes of forced migration. Then the boys went to a refugee camp for many years. The United States then took 3800 of the "lost boys" and gave them the opportunity to come and start a new life in America. Put yourself in their shoes do I stay with my brothers or go and succeed. Push/pull factors have to have a push and a pull, the boys had been pushed out by the United States for the opportunity, but also the pull for the boys was getting out of the camp and starting a better life.
I believe that globalization and migration interelate very well together. Globalization is how the countries are connected together across the world. Migration is just another way that the countries get linked together. If of one person migrates to the United States they don’t just bring their luggage they bring their whole culture with them. Plus they also take their tax dollars away from the country that they left so that will hurt the economy of the country.
Immigration is not all good we are going to have future problems that surpass the problems that we have now. One of the biggest problems that are going to happen is human trafficking is going to get worse. Human trafficking is bad now I believe that it is because the United States is so close. Now if you add the rest of the world to the U.S’s human trafficking it will be easier for people to do it plus it will be cheaper also shipping people overseas will become easier because the world is going to be so close knit.

Migration and globalization are similar in the fact that they are making the world closer. Migration is good for the people that are in need of it such as people being forced out of their homes and needing a place to call home. Immigration is also not the best thing for the world because it is going to make human trafficking a worldwide problem which it already is, but not as big of a problem as it’s going to be. 

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

2 video response

Last week in globalization we watched two videos on the topic globalization. The videos showcased the pros and the cons of globalization and how it is affecting the world as we know it.
The one main reason why globalization is good is it causes items that we want to become cheaper for us to buy. The reason why globalization causes items to become cheaper is the materials to make those items can be bought fairly cheap. Also the manufacturing of the items gives many people jobs in foreign countries that otherwise may not have a job. That job gives those individuals a life that they wouldn’t have. Plus the money given to those individuals is then put into the surrounding economy. Buying foreign made products is not a bad thing it makes items cheaper, gives people jobs, and boosts economies around the world just by buying a product made out of the United States.
The two videos that we watched in globalization weren’t just talking about why globalization is good they both showed why globalization is bad. One reason why globalization is bad is it affects the environment by adding more carbon dioxide than we did in 1997. Another reason why globalization is bad is that it is taking the jobs out of our country and placing them in other countries, which is good for the other countries but bad for our country. The United States has been suffering from unemployment for years, so if we were to take back all of the jobs that are over in different countries and bring them back to the United States, we would have plenty of jobs for the whole Unites States.

Globalization is a very huge thing in the world today. It links us as countries in some ways for the better and some ways for the worse. Globalization is good for cheap items and foreign jobs. It is also bad for the United States by polluting the environment and stealing the jobs rightfully belonging to the people of the U.S. Globalization has its ups and downs along with everything else.